Arrived safely!

Arrived safely!

   After more than 20 hours of travelling with flight and bus, we have finally arrived in Johor, and are having McDonald’s breakfast + Roti Telur as a wedding shower! Ryan Munchinsky is joining us too, woohoo!

Last day in Canada

Last day in Canada

   Our last day in Canada (and our two year anniversary of dating!!) I am so blessed by the friends around me. Everything was pretty rushed today as we got all packed up for a varied 4 month honeymoon, 3 more weddings, and worked out a lot of last minute details. But Lyn Luu came […]


Banff with my babe

Banff with my babe

   We had a lovely day hiking through Banff National Park. I really wanted the Malaysians to see some wildlife and so I prayed that we could see lots. God sure answered our prayers! On our first hike near the town of Banff we saw a herd of 33 elk/caribou/deer (I’m not that good at […]

Ready for the summer!

Ready for the summer!

  Happy 2 year anniversary to my favourite guy 🙂 Today we said goodbye to my dear brother Bong Yang, jumped in Lyndon’s car to go to the airport and boarded on a plane from Regina to Vancouver. It’s been almost a month in Canada and I really like this homeland of my husband. I […]

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

  Merry Christmas!!! (Regina time 11.59pm) We made it safe to Regina after 10 hours on the road (shout out to David Hepting, our amazing driver!!!) Love our time in Banff! Hiking, eating, hiking again, eating again… haha, we went to a local church’s Christmas candle light service too, my very first time 🙂 Last […]

Married, and with Malaysians

Married, and with Malaysians

Day 2 of our honeymoon. The couple, David and Jetaime, are alone at last on their honeymoon. Except for being joined by their amazing friends Catherine Ong and Bong Yang! They have a lovely meal at Melissa’s Missteak House in Banff. Then check in, and go over to the Banff Hot Springs. Everyone ends up […]

The day the two became one

The day the two became one

Wow. I am blown away by all the friends and family who came yesterday to celebrate with us. Some came from so far away and we are just so honoured by all the support, love, and generosity. The whole evening was perfect and I wouldn’t change a single thing if I could. The presence of […]

Road trip!!!

Road trip!!!

   我们一行四人驱车向西行,出发时是一望无际的平原地带,经过昨夜5小时+今早4小时的车程,最后映入眼帘的是令人惊叹的落基山脉(Rocky Mountains)。班夫国家公园为加拿大最古老的国家公园,每年接待上百万来自世界各地的游客,乃颇具盛名的旅游胜地。四面环山的景色,让我们大饱眼福,打从心底赞叹上帝的鬼斧神工!明天一早要去游山,希望有机会与生灵们碰面^_^ 有幸嫁给一个冒险王,果然不愁精彩的生活。

The day the two became one

Wow. I am blown away by all the friends and family who came yesterday to celebrate with us. Some came from so far away and we are just so honoured by all the support, love, and generosity. The whole evening was perfect and I wouldn’t change a single thing if I could. The presence of […]