
昨天晚上,我问贺先生:“什么是见证?” 他说,是神所行的事。 有一段时间,我觉得自己没有什么见证可以分享,因为自己把一切当作理所当然。我以为是要有奇妙的医治,或是不可思议的奇迹,才值得禀报天下。可是经贺先生的提点,加上最近充足的思考,让我意识到,神迹,无所不在。 在新加坡待了八天,其中两天搭帐篷露营,另外两天住背包客栈,其他日子都是在朋友家当厅长。然而,我的内心满是感恩。当一连三位沙发冲浪网站主人都拒绝我们发出的留宿请求时,我很纳闷,很苦恼,很摸不着头脑——上帝怎么不让我们体验啊?祂怎么会不喜欢我们认识陌生人呢?到底哪里出了差错? 后来我慢慢察觉,祂的安排比我的计划还好。被恩准寄宿大牌621的日子,是偶然的,也是幸运的,它让我和昔日学记好友的道路又连结在一起。短短的几天,贺先生与我获得很多很多盛情的款待。无论是失联的高中同学,久违的主内姊妹,缺席婚礼的小学记,聚了又聚的学记伙伴,还是表姐和表姐夫,甚至更多想见但是没办法再挤出更多时间的…… 丰盛的每一餐,宝贵的每一分钟,难得的每一张合照,都是神的祝福满溢。

Celebrating with Students

A few weeks ago we had a wedding celebration with Jetaime’s students. Jetaime and her friends had been planning this for months and it really showed. The whole event was so fun and the biggest thing was that we really wanted each student to have an encounter with God.  In the morning I got to […]

Making friends in the HDB

Today was really fun! Jetaime and I had some big disagreements, but through that we got to know each other a little bit better and hopefully in the future we can understand each other more. The main thing that stood out though was the opportunity to make a few people’s days just a little bit […]