Our stay was in”tents”!

   Jetaime and I had a much more successful go at camping the second time! Well, almost…  As you can see our camping set up felt slightly inferior to these massive nylon mansions all around us. Some people brought bike racks and clothes lines and barbecues all for a few days of camping. But I […]


   一早在匆忙赶路的过程中,贺先生的眼镜光荣牺牲,目前靠胶纸苟存,希望能撑到泰国再以较低的价格买个新的替换。而我的几个戒指和项链一并落在东海岸露营区的厕所里,在地铁上惊觉再赶紧回去碰运气已是两个小时后的事,找是找回了,不过只剩下明显被剪短再接回去的项链和一个订婚戒指…… 🙁 结束了惊险刺激的上午,庆幸两人还能嘻嘻哈哈,互相安慰和鼓励。午后我们靠着谷歌的指示找了一所临近的公共图书馆,在里头耗了五个小时,以绝佳的精神粮食治疗疲惫的心灵。傍晚我们到武吉士街闲晃,贺先生第一次尝试饼干冰淇淋,赞不绝口,一个不够,还买了第二块。入夜后和一班学记朋友聚餐畅谈,轮流玩滑板,听听贺先生介绍他最爱的凉鞋,最后再回到温暖的大牌621。 今天我从贺先生身上学到宝贵的智慧:遭遇各种试炼的时候,都要看为喜乐。(雅各书1:2)

Polar bears and the desire of your heart

   Have you ever had a desire in your heart and didn’t even prayer for it, but God answered the desire anyways? A few days ago we were going over the best things to do in Singapore. Most of them were super expensive but didn’t stand out as something we really felt we needed to […]

Making friends in the HDB

Today was really fun! Jetaime and I had some big disagreements, but through that we got to know each other a little bit better and hopefully in the future we can understand each other more. The main thing that stood out though was the opportunity to make a few people’s days just a little bit […]


   Halo Katak, my high school class leader! 😀 昨天下午和我中学时期的班长见面,我们虽然是同乡,可是一个在新加坡,一个在吉隆坡,每次回家的时间有差,又懒惰约出来,就这样,五六年过去了都没见上一面。这次托他的福,我们吃了美味的自制冰淇淋和松饼(他请客)和令人惊艳的鲔鱼意大利面(他下厨),贺先生还有机会听他娓娓道来多年前那些在课堂上发生的糗事。他以前是青蛙,现在突然成了会下厨的居家型男+肌肉猛男,好厉害啊!只可惜,名草早已有主 ^_^

Bless and be blessed

   My husband was singing worship and blessing the community at the residential area in Holland Village. He is good in befriending elders too! Proud of him!

Kingdom Invasion Singapore

   Jetaime and I have been going to the free night sessions at Kingdom Invasion Singapore this week. Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker, Randy Clark, Mahesh Chavda, and Lou Engle are the speakers. The presence of God has been so sweet and gentle in this place.  Tonight, a couple hundred people were healed, many of very […]


   Checked in to my good old friend’s university this morning! 十六岁那年在学记队认识的好朋友,十年后热情地款待贺先生和我。我们在南洋大学食堂享用价廉物美的早餐,逛了美丽的校园,最后在图书馆享受片刻安宁(和冷气)^_^ 其他人在新加坡的朋友,快快约出来见个面吧!

The pros & cons of camping

   Oh man, what a night! Haha, I’ve often told Jetaime how great and wonderful camping is, but last night was our very first time camping together. It wasn’t quite as wonderful as I had hoped for an introduction to camping. We stayed at the beautiful Pulau Ubin island off the coast of Singapore.  We […]


  在乌敏岛,我们没有租脚踏车,而是以滑板代步;我们没有找地方住,而是搭起帐篷;我们没有享用当地的海鲜,而是拿出锅子起火煮面吃。两人第一次一起去露营,又热又累又脏又臭,被蚊子叮被蚂蚁咬,晚上睡不着,最后还要把帐篷拱手让给蚂蚁大军,拿起睡袋跑到另一片草地去…… 🙁 累得不断碎碎念的时候,贺先生在旁边嬉皮笑脸地说“蜜月快乐!”,让人好气又好笑。离开前生火准备午餐时,我问他还喜不喜欢露营,他毫不犹豫地点头,说”经历越困难的挑战,就会有更有趣的故事分享给大家”。肩上背包很重,我很哀怨,他快乐地说“旅途结束,你就会更强壮啦!” 我觉得他对生活的态度好像佐贺的超级阿嬷,跟他住在一起,我应该也可以像昭广一样,越来越强大!